All of our services are non-judgemental, confidential, free, have no waiting period and do not require a referral.
Project Respect services include:
- Telephone-based support, with free interpreting services as required
- Information and ongoing holistic support
- Referrals to other organisations to achieve your goals
- Safety planning to help you work safer
- Support to reduce hours or move away from the industry if this is your choice
- Intensive support for women who have experienced trafficking (both international and domestic)
- A friendly, knowledgeable woman to support and listen to you
- Advocacy for your rights
- Access to our community events with Art Therapy, Community Gardening and peer Community Lunch
- Flexible student placement opportunities
- Volunteer opportunities including with our Lived Experience Advisory Group
Our support is for anyone who:
- Self-identifies as a woman, or is gender diverse
- Has lived experience in any area of the sex and adult entertainment industry
- Is 18 years old or older
Our support is inclusive of:
- All LGBTQIA+ women as well as gender diverse and non-binary people
- Lived experience in any area of the sex and adult entertainment industry, licensed and unlicensed, online and in-person
- Experiences of trafficking for sexual exploitation (both international and domestic)
- Current or past involvement in the sex industry
- Wanting to remain, reduce their hours or leave the sex industry
- Diverse views and experiences of the sex industry
- All immigration, visa, residency or citizenship status
- Relatives, friends and service providers who are seeking information and support about the sex industry
See Connect to Resources for more support avenues available.